Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I can’t believe it’s taken this long.  I guess I just put up with a lot of crap.  Maybe I don’t have an aggressive personality.  Maybe I don’t stand up for things like I should.  Well, here it is.

I’m tired.  Sick and tired of being preached the “prosperity of tolerance”.  Not the tolerance that happens every day; you know, the tolerance whose definition is closely related to politeness.  I’m talking about this bend-over-backward so you don't offend someone tolerance.  The sacrifice your beliefs to appease others otherwise you are an evil radical thinking person…tolerance.

I have read quite a bit, on Facebook, of people that have been hit with this.  My usual response was to chew my screen out or give a simple sigh of discontent.  Then it happened to me.  It had started and ended before I even knew it.  As I looked back I was very ashamed of how I acted.  I put up no argument, no defense, not a single thing.  I was polite, agreeable, and even apologetic at times.  Don’t get me wrong, those aren’t bad traits…but I think they were at the wrong time.

The “brass tacks," without too much detail, is simply this: I need to compromise, to be more tolerant, about matters of my faith/religion.  I need to “ease up” and “cut corners” to help other people out, people with faiths or religions that differ from mine.  If I don’t comply I am an evil person, a “right-wing radical.”   It is the tolerance that “makes America such a great country;” it is that love for each other and each other’s faiths that “truly shows the kindness of our God” (whatever deity it may be).  I should compromise because, “Well, you’re a believer, and doesn’t God teach you to turn the other cheek, be kind to your neighbor, walk a mile in their shoes, and all that What Would Jesus Do?”

Frell with that!  This is my faith.  If I need someone to lecture me on how my faith stands in regards to things like other denominations, other faiths, homosexuals, and the like…I’ll find myself someone who knows what the heck they’re talking about, someone with some education, someone who will teach me…not demand my submission under the cloak of “tolerance”.

The fact that you type of people find it your job to impose your ideas, undermine biblical authority, poison faith, and make people feel ashamed of what they believe is truly unbelievable to me.  I really do pity you.

To those who I have seen this happen to I offer my sincerest of apologies.  I should have offered you my support.  I promise to do so if I see it again.

Having said all that, I hope you will notice that I have not yelled, used profanity, or attacked your faith/lack of faith.  I am calmly saying “no thank you” to your “advice.”  I hope you don’t think of me as a “right-wing radical.”  Now if you'll excuse me, I have some firearms that desperately need cleaning….

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